Hieff NGS™ Primer Mix for MGI®


Product Description

Hieff NGS™ Primer Mix for MGI® is a special primer mix for MGI sequencing platform RNA transcriptome library construction, and it works with Hieff NGSTM Ultima Dual-mode mRNA Library Prep Kit (Cat#12309) or Hieff NGSTM Ultima Dual-mode RNA Library Prep Kit (Cat#12308) and Complete Adapter for MGI® (Cat#13360-13362 or other equivalent products).

Product Component

Component Number and Name




Hieff NGS™ Primer Mix for MGI®

120 μL

480 μL

Shipping and Storage

The Hieff NGS™ Primer Mix for MGI® is shipped with ice packs and can be stored at -20℃ for one year.


1 For your safety and health, please wear personal protective equipment (PPE), such as laboratory coats and disposable gloves, when operating with this product. This product is for research use ONLY!
2 Thaw components at room temperature. Mix thoroughly by inverting up and down several times, spin down briefly and place on ice for use.
3 It is recommended to perform each step reaction in a thermal cycler with a heated lid. The thermal cycler should be preheated to the set temperature prior to use.
4 Supplies free of RNase contamination and cleaning the experimental area regularly are necessary. ThermoFisher's RNAZapTM high-efficiency nucleic acid removal spray was recommended to remove RNase contamination.
5 Improper operations may very likely cause aerosol contaminations, impacting the accuracy of the result. Mandatory physical isolation of PCR reaction mixing regions and PCR product purification assay regions is recommended. Equipped with equipment such as specialized pipettes for library construction.


Prepare the reaction system according to the kit Hieff NGS™ Ultima Dual-mode mRNA Library Prep Kit (Cat#12309) or Hieff NGS™ Ultima Dual-mode RNA Library Prep Kit (Cat#12308).


Volume (μL)

2×Super Canace™ II High-Fidelity Mix


Hieff NGS™ Primer Mix for MGI®


Adapter Ligated DNA


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